The Organized Mind is a transformational blueprint showing how you can overcome information overload so you would get organized and make better use of time. Here is what you will discover with this premium digital product:
- You will learn how you can organize your home, designate the rooms and stay on top of cleaning.
- You will discover how to be more productive at work by removing distractions.
- You will learn how you can organize your social life.
- You will get to know how you can reduce communication overhead.
- You will learn how you can organize your time with correct timing and multitasking.
- You will discover how you can save time by automating and delegating your daily tasks.
- You will learn how you can make systems, daily to-do lists, and more filing methods to assist you to stay on top of your work.
- You will get to know how to be clear about your desired goals and how to set up them properly.
- You will get a better understanding of eating for energy; clean, sharp, and impressive.
- You will discover how you can reduce the number of decisions that you have to make on regular days.
The digital product ‘The Organized Mind’ includes both frontend & upsell sales funnel modules; 12000+ words premium quality ebook, complete video course, printable checklist, resource cheat sheet, mindmap, 10 plr articles, special report, and promotional tools.
This is a complete business-in-a-box package you can use yourself or even resell for profits. Now you can start your digital product business even working from home.
Organized Mind Ebook and Videos Introduction:
Welcome to the digital age.
While we take for granted much of the technology that surrounds us and the way it has changed the way we work and relax; it’s actually very important to recognize just how much it has impacted our lives.
Today we are constantly bombarded by information and stimulation and it is taking its toll on our brains. Meanwhile, the expectations placed on us by our work have only increased as a result of greater productivity tools and enhanced connectivity.
And it’s not just technology that has changed life for us either. The demands placed on us in other areas have also increased. The world is more populous, living costs have gone up and our roles in society have changed.
More and more women are now working full time, which while a good thing, has created new challenges in trying to raise and care for our children. The roles of men have likewise become increasingly uncertain and competition for employment is fiercer than ever.
Don’t get me wrong – none of this is bad in itself! Having greater access to entertainment, being able to communicate with anyone in the world and enjoying greater equality than ever before are all good things. The state of the economy is a little less rosy. But all in all, times are good.
The problem? We’re having a hard time keeping up with all this change! And it’s leading to burnout.
For a great number of us, the demands placed on us are simply too great for us to shoulder. The constant stimulation and constant bombardment of information is leading to burnout. And knowing how to get what we want from life is seemingly impossible.
Our brains evolved in entirely different environments and they simply aren’t designed to thrive under these conditions. The result is what we call ‘overwhelm’.
That means too much information, too much pressure, too much to do and too little time. We end up stressed, exhausted and disorganized and it’s just not good for our health.
Organized Mind Ebook and Videos Package Contains:
- Ebook – 76 page PDF with the details on how to overcome information overload, get organized and make better use of your time. The eBook has a quality layout with professional images, helping yo build your authority and expert status. Since it’s in PDF format, you’ll know your customers will have no trouble consuming and using it.
- Sales Page – Comes with everything you will need to resell the Organized Mind Ebook and Videos Package. With resale rights, you can sell as many copies as you want and you get to keep 100% of the profits on every sale you make. Buy it only once, sell it over and over, as many times as you want, there is no limit. With a high quality sales letter and matching download page. Add your payment link to the sales page and your download link, upload two web pages and it’s set to make you cash, even while you are away from the computer. Income on auto-pilot.
- Checklist – 7 page Word PDF. This checklist will lay it out simply for your customers to work through and to organize their mind!
- Resource Cheat Sheet – 8 page PDF. a a ton of those resources as well as some books and other things you can use to further your education and make life that little bit easier!
- Mind Map – Gives a great overview or a visual of the system, making it easier for some to follow and understand. In two formats, JPG and PNG. These are quite detailed with plenty of components to help make the most of social media.
- Squeeze Page – New modern opt-in page with a progress bar to help encourage sign-ups. Gives away the free PDF, Top 10 Resources to get subscribers. Just copy and paste your opt-in code into the page, upload and down. Also comes with a matching thank you page. It’s yet another way to earn even more from the Organized Mind Ebook and Videos Package. An extra income stream. Includes a thank you page for after subscribers optin.
- Promotional Banners – 6 professional banners you can use to drive buying traffic to your new sales page. In the popular sizes of 120×600, 125×125, 200×200, 300×250, 468×60 and 728×90. In both JPG and GIF.
- Graphics – All kinds of images here with plenty of ecovers in different styles and sizes including, Box, Bundle, DVD, Ebook, Stacked, Lead Magnet and more. Also arrows, bullets and buttons. There is a cover for each report and PDF in this package.
- Articles – 10 quality articles dedicated to an organized mind and you can use to promote and drive traffic to your sales page. In both DOC and TXT formats. Copy and paste into your blog or website and you have quick and easy content. You could use them to create email messages as well.
- Email Swipes – 4 pre-written email messages including, Lead Magnet/Opt-in, Sales Page (short copy), Sales Page and Subject Lines. Simply copy and paste them int your autoresponder service.
- Social Media Images – 10 quality JPG images for your social profiles to drive even more traffic. Comes with a background image and text overlay quote. In JPG format. Also, TXT file with all quotes. Just upload them to your social profile with a link and your done.
But wait… there is more…
You’ll also getting a tightly related Upsell package that will help you earn even more from every customer you have.
And how you can make even more CASH from this product.
Organized Mind Ebook and Videos Upsell Package Includes:
- Videos – 10 professional MP4 video’s that cover the course material in a visual and audio format. For your customers who prefer video. Perfect related upsell sure to help you make more cash. Since they are in MP4 format, you’ll know they are easy to use and put on the web.
- Upsell kit – Built in sales funnel that is easy to implement. Simply add your payment link and download link, upload and done. Here’s where you can make even more from every buyer. Since the Organized Mind Ebook and Videos Package upsell is so tightly related and helpful to the main ebook, you’ll have a better opportunity to make more from each sale.
- Audio Files – Many people prefer to learn on the go, so these audio’s could help you get more upsell buyers. In the ever popular MP3 format. Who doesn’t have a device to play MP3 fiels these days? Another format for your customers to learn from.
- 7 Day Autoresponder Series – 7 pre-written email messages in TXT format. It is a short e-course that leads into promoting this product. Easy to customize, then copy and paste into your autoresponder service. Then you could have a money machine promoting your new product.
- Special Report – 9 page report entitled, “The 5-Minute Guide To Organizing Your Mind“. In PDF. Perfect for building a list because it gives them a “taste”, leaving them wanting more and more likely to pick up your upsell and put even more money in your pay pal account.
- Affiliates Toolbox Page – Get even more sales for your new product and have others do the work for you. Plus you don’t have to pay them unless they make you sales. Quality page to recruit affiliates. Built into the page is Email Swipes, Banners, Social Media Swipes, Forum Signatures and Email Signatures.
- Social Media Swipe Kit – 4 txt files for the promotional material on the affiliates page. As you know, the more promo material you have for your affiliate, the more they will promote your product for you.
- Top Forums and Blogs – 2 reports, Top Blogs and Top Forums. In both PDF and DOC so you can edit or brand as you want.
- Keywords – 4 keyword reports so you can target those buying customers. PDF, Broad Excel, TXT Facebook Ads and Narrow Excel file.
- Presentation – PDF, Powerpoint, Google presentation and Text only. Use these to promote you product on slide share, create video’s and more.
- Featured Images – 6 quality advertisement images perfect to add to your blog to drive traffic. 5 in size of 600×314, one feature box special offer in size of 595×605. All in PNG. PSD files included.
Organized Mind Ebook and Videos Article Titles:
Be Vocal With Your Goals
Do You Always Have to Take Huge Steps_
How to Create a More Organized Desk
How to Get More Quiet and Nature in Your Life
How to Reduce Decision Fatigue When Getting Dressed in the Morning
Organizing Your Household
The Importance of Creating a Morning and Evening Routine
The Top Apps, Software and Online Services for Organizing Your Mind
Top Tips for Cutting Out Your Habits
What Are the Symptoms of Information Overload
Articles come in both plain TXT and Word DOC formats, so they are easy to use.
Organized Mind Ebook and Videos Table of Contents:
Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
The Modern Dilemma ………………………………………………………………………………………8
Conquering Information Overload – What You Will Learn ……………………………………11
Chapter 1. Too Many Decisions……………………………………………………………………….14
How to Reduce Decisions……………………………………………………………………………….16
Chapter 2. Organizing Your Home……………………………………………………………………20
Get Ruthless …………………………………………………………………………………………………21
Designated Rooms ………………………………………………………………………………………..22
Staying on Top of Cleaning……………………………………………………………………………..23
Aim High ………………………………………………………………………………………………………25
Chapter 3. Organizing Your Social Life…………………………………………………………….27
Prioritize ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….28
Forget Frenemies ……………………………………………………………………………………..29
Keep a Calendar ……………………………………………………………………………………………30
Facebook ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..32
Chapter 4. Organizing Your Time …………………………………………………………………….34
Recognize Your Limits ……………………………………………………………………………………35
Walk or Sit, Don’t Wobble! ………………………………………………………………………………36
Timing Your Tasks …………………………………………………………………………………………37
Close Open Loops …………………………………………………………………………………………39
Chapter 5: Work, Work, Work…………………………………………………………………………..41
Be More Productive at Work ……………………………………………………………………………42
Removing Distractions ……………………………………………………………………………………44
The Pomodoro Technique ………………………………………………………………………………46
Reducing Email…………………………………………………………………………………………47
Reducing Communication Overhead………………………………………………………………..48
Flexi-Time …………………………………………………………………………………………………….49
Chapter 6. Be Clear About Your Goals……………………………………………………………..51
How to Write Goals Properly……………………………………………………………………………53
Chapter 7. Limit Your Sources of Information…………………………………………………..55
Pick Some New Hobbies ………………………………………………………………………………..56
Meditation …………………………………………………………………………………………………….57
Have Quiet Time……………………………………………………………………………………………58
Chapter 8. Value Your Time …………………………………………………………………………….60
Chapter 9. Be Vocal ………………………………………………………………………………………..64
Asking Friends for Help…………………………………………………………………………………..65
Other Ways to be Vocal ………………………………………………………………………………….66
Chapter 10. Inside and Out – Health Habits………………………………………………………68
Eating for Energy …………………………………………………………………………………………..69
Clean, Sharp and Impressive…………………………………………………………………………..70
More Lifestyle Tips…………………………………………………………………………………………70
A Day to Rearrange ……………………………………………………………………………………….73
Moving Forward …………………………………………………………………………………………….74
Organized Mind Ebook and Videos Package Covers:
ATTENTION: Entrepreneurs and Employees Alike…
“Discover The Step-By-Step System To Overcoming Information Overload And Staying Organized!”
Find Out How To Finally Free Yourself Of Overload, Reduce Your Stress And Work More Productively!
Have you ever thought that maybe you had too much on?
That you’d work better if you had less on your mind?
Imagine how free you’d feel. Much less stressed and able to think clearly for the first time!
Believe it or not, feeling the way you are now is not normal you don’t have to be overloaded.
Can You Imagine Working Twice As Fast?
A lot of us dream about finishing our days early, about getting all our work done and then spending the rest of our time relaxing and pursuing our dreams.
We all know that’s possible.
You can work more efficiently and you can work faster.
But we suffer from so much information overload that it can be difficult to even think straight, let alone faster!
Which is why it’s so important that we overcome this and improve.
Make Overload A Thing Of The Past
People always talk about emulating the truly successful, and when we look at those who excel in their fields, they focus on single topics and dominate them.
They don’t cloud their brains with unneeded information like the rest of us and they don’t stress about things which are out of their control.
This is all mental and you can’t just flick a switch and obtain this mindset. You must follow in the footsteps of those before you and understand why they’ve earned this mindset.
This can take years. Decades.
That’s why we’ve created a detailed and informative guide that will give you guidance on how YOU can rid yourself of information overload and work more efficiently and effectively.
I’m proud to introduce to you…..
The Organized Mind
What you’ll discover in this eBook:
- What you can do to remove information overload
- How to easily remove some of your stressors
- Find out how you can work more efficiently
- Developing positive habits
- Being more organized
- Making better use of the time you have
- Reducing the time that you waste everyday
- Why it’s crucial that you organize parts of your life
- How to guard your time effectively from those who don’t deserve it!
- And much much more…
FAST-ACTION BONUS #1: Point-By-Point Checklist – It is like a summary of the entire guide but in actionable, bite-sized points so that you can successfully get through the course.
FAST-ACTION BONUS #2: Resource Cheat Sheet – You’ll also get access to a rolodex of top sites, blogs, forums, tools, apps and services to get you even further. Inside you’ll find topics such as: Tools for Organizing Your Life, Advice on Making Better Use of Your Time, Business Advice, Great Blogs to Keep an Eye on, The Best Websites on Entrepreneurship and Efficiency.
FAST-ACTION BONUS #3: Mindmap – A simple glance over this mindmap and you’ll get an instant refresher of all the major points and action steps from the main guide.
P.S. – This is the best way to reduce information overload and lead a better life.. Believe me, it is possible. You deserve it, so give it a chance and overcome your problems. It’s worth it!
Organized Mind Ebook and Videos Upsell Covers:
“Now You Can Get Instant Access To
10 HOT Video Tutorials Showing You How To Develop A Winning Mindset!”
Download And Start Playing These Videos Tutorials Right From The Comfort Of Your Home!
There’s a long way and a short way.
The long way?
Trying to figure out everything yourself, only to go around in circles. All that time wasted could have been put into something more worthwhile.
Want to know the short cut instead?
Good news!
I recorded 10 exclusive, step-by-step video tutorials that’ll give you advice on how to effectively improve your mindset and increase your chances of success.
Here they are:
Video #1 – Getting Your Priorities In Order length: 06:09 min.
Video #2 – Goal Setting For High Achievement. Length: 05:10 min.
Video #3 – Write it Down. Length: 06:24 min.
Video #4 – Learning to Delegate. Length: 06:28 min.
Video #5 – Tips For Getting Rid of Clutter. Length: 06:53 min.
Video #6 – Tips for Organizing Your Computer. Length: 09:44 min.
Video #7 – Tips for Organizing Your Travel. Length: 03:58 min.
Video #8 – Tips for Organizing Your Grocery Shopping. Length: 04:24 min.
Video #9 – Smartphone Apps To Help You Get Organized. Length: 05:12 min.
Video #10 – Web Apps To Help Get You Organized. Length: 05:06 min.
Remember when I asked if you wanted the long way or short way?
Well, these videos will give you that unfair advantage and help you finally breakthrough so you can get results starting as soon as you finish watching the videos!